<span>The Houyhnhnms made a huge impact on Gulliver's fourth voyage because it was where we was exiled and live among its kinds, which is of course, due to the vile ape-liked creatures, the Yahoos.
I hope my answer has come to your help. God bless and have a nice day ahead!
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you due to a default in the wooden cupboard that I bought from you last Monday.
On Monday 23rd I bought from you a wooden cupboard. It was delivered to my house in time, the color and size were correct, but there was a defect in the surface. One of the front doors of the cupboard has a deep cut.
As a reputed dealer, I would like a refund or a replacement since it is not in the expected condition. The image on the website and the description showed a brand new cupboard in perfect conditions. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Karl Jhonson.
When we write a letter complaining about something or making a claim, we have to write a brief introduction describing the problem. In the second paragraph, we have to give detailed information . Finally, we ask for a solution, like a refund or a replacement. It is important to use formal language and support our claim.
While the grasshopper plays all day.....
The grasshopper tries to get the ant.....
The grasshopper asks the ant.....
In the winter.....
According to "The Art and the Grasshopper.", the sentences that describe key details that should be part of a clear, concise summary of the story and are placed in the correct order are
While the grasshopper plays all day.....
The grasshopper tries to get the ant.....
The grasshopper asks the ant.....
In the winter.....
I believe the answer is B
Венера (/ ˈviːnəs /, классическая латынь: / ˈwɛnʊs /; родительный падеж Veneris / ˈwɛnɛrɪs /) [a] - римская богиня, в функции которой входили любовь, красота, желание, секс, плодородие, процветание и победа. В римской мифологии она была предком римлян через своего сына Энея, который пережил падение Трои и бежал в Италию. Юлий Цезарь объявил ее своим предком. Венера была центральным элементом многих религиозных праздников и почиталась в римской религии под многочисленными культовыми титулами.