In antiquity, systems of measurement were defined locally: the different units might be defined independently according to the length of a king's thumb or the size of his foot, the length of stride, the length of arm, or maybe the weight of water in a keg of specific size, perhaps itself defined in hands and knuckles.
Systems of Measurement: there are two main systems of measurement in the world: the Metric (or decimal) system and the US standard system. ... The US Standard system uses units that have no predictable relationship to each other.
For example, there are 2 cups in a pint, but 4 quarts in a gallon.
One day, Bob set on an expedition to the mountains, where all the pterodactyls strive. He was stationed in a small camp by a cliff, with lots of grass. Since he knew that pterosaurs resist any kind if attack (assuming he needed protection) he anxiously lived out his life there.
Average temp in November - Average temp in January = X
where X = the difference between average temp in November and average temp in January
-1.7 - -13.4 = 11.7
the average temperature in November is 11.7 degrees warmer than average temperature in January
The author uses Onomatopoeia in this stanza with the word "babbling." Onomatopoeia is a figure of speech that presents the written sound of the things it intends to describe. I<em>n this case, "babbling" is creating the sound effects describing the low, continuous noise of water flowing over stones, which makes the description more interesting.</em>