A dynastic cycles
It’s the only one that it included or linked to it so I’m correct
That's the Iberian Peninsula at the top left of the map; they house the countries: Spain and Portugal.
Morroco is the country below that same peninsula.
Egypt has the Nile River, which is basically in the middle of the map.
Iraq and Afghanistan are at the east of Saudi Arabia.
How to Overcome Adversity in 4 Simple Steps
Step One: Define the Problem Clearly. What exactly is the problem?
Step Two: Determine the Worst Possible Outcome.
Step Three: Resolve to accept the worst, should it occur.
Step Four: Expect and Improve the Worst Case Scenario
However, when faced with challenges in your life, here are 7 tips I've learned to overcome obstacles:
Don't complain. People don't want to hear woe is me over and over again, especially if you do nothing about it. ...
Face it head on. ...
Stay positive. ...
Be realistic. ...
Don't try to out-do people. ...
Emotional side. ...
Break it down.
The Constitution. Checks and balances throughout, separation of power in article one two and three.
All the nations(for example Europe) was included in the Great War. The Civil War only included the Union and the Confederate states.