A bread board is prototyped (manufactured) in a way where it is less permanent than a pcb (printed circuit board) or an even more permanent pcba (printed circuit board assembly). Bread boards are typically the first step to creating a finished circuit because electronic components are easier to test and take apart when needed; design and investigation can be made effectively as no soldering connections are required. Whereas a circuit board is used for the further finished products because they don't have sockets like the bread board and so there is little room for error and mistakes.
mmc.exe is used to manage Windows network with a variety of snap-ins(administrative tools that can be added to the console and used to manage various aspects of your network).
The technician able to use mmc.exe to to create a custom console containing only the tools she regularly launches and then distribute this custom console to each computer.
longestWord(["frog", "seagull", "mermaid"])
longestWord(["crown", "diamond", "castle"])
Brainlist pls!