The answer is C. Rain Forests are important for many reasons
def power(base, expo):
if expo == 0:
return 1
return base * power(base, expo-1)
*The code is in Python.
Create a method called power that takes base and expo as parameters
Check if the expo is equal to 0. If it is return 1 (This is our base case for the method, where it stops. This way our method will call itself "expo" times). If expo is not 0, return base * power(base, expo-1). (Call the method itself, decrease the expo by 1 in each call and multiply the base)
Answer: Preamble
Preamble is a 7- octet pattern of alternating the 0's and 1's and it allow devices in the network to easily synchronized the receiver clock. It also provide the bit level synchronization.
It basically allow the start of frame delimiter to provide the byte synchronization and assign a new frame. The bits are transmit orderly from left to right in the frame.
data, sort and filter, text filters
ed 2020