The coined term, “curriculum violence,” refers to the deliberate manipulation of academic programming in a manner that ignores or compromises the intellectual and psychological well-being of learners”
An NGO is a non-governmental organization. They are voluntary groups, which are independent of governments. Some do get funding from government programs, but they are not under the direct control of a government office. NGOs typically also are not-for-profit; they are not businesses aimed at making money for themselves. Their aim is to help people in disadvantaged areas or circumstances. Some NGOs give out loans to help people improve their lives. Typically they will have more flexible or workable loan arrangements for a needy borrower than might be available from typical governmental sources of loans or traditional bank loans. For instance, there are NGOs that will grant small business loans without requiring collateral. Or there are NGOs that do microlending -- very small loans in developing countries to help someone get started with a very basic business. FINCA and Hope International are both examples of NGOs that do this sort of microlending.
all the legal and political power.
of 1803 brought into the United States about 828,000 square miles of territory from France, thereby doubling the size of the young republic. ... American expansion westward into the new lands began immediately, and in 1804 a territorial government was established.