They have body fat level in the MARGINAL OR BORDERLINE ZONE. At this zone, the fat level in the body is higher than the acceptable levels but is less that the fat levels in the obese people. With this level of fat, one has higher risks for such diseases such as high blood pressure, heart diseases, etc.
Viruses reproduce by inserting their genetic code into the genetic code of a cell, from there, an active virus will copy itself over and over until that cell bursts, where the new viruses can repeat the process. Another type of virus inserts itself into the genetic code, but does not actively reproduce. It sits and waits for the cell to reproduce for it, by splitting in the way cells do.
Fermentation is the process that releases energy without using oxygen . In cellular respiration, anaerobic fermentation contrasts with aerobic cell respiration. Both processes convert glucose from food into adenosine triphosphate for energy for cells.