What is the relationship between Irawaddy's child and albinism?
In my opinion, from this excerpt, the only thing that can be seen is "suffering". He had absolutely nothing in his youngest years, he was as poor as a church mouse, but not only that, he apparently had nobody to be there for him. To me it shows a great deal of pain and sadness, and that is evident in this paragraph.
I would most likely say A because i remember "You" being very key to second person language & so that the reader can identify with the narrator .
Historical writing is only as objective as the author commits to. If the author has some “truth” or interpretation in mind, then he or she will find the sources that uphold that truth. This kind of history runs the gamut from objective history to pure propaganda. If the author sets out to write a history based only on research, wherever that may lead, the result is less likely to be propaganda, although it may not be solidly objective either.