Memorising interviews questions and answers because you don’t want to sound too rehearsed
Cleaner, alcohol kills Bacteria but it is also a killer when it's abused but if your not abusing it you body will use it as a cleaner killing the bacteria in the stomach and liver and even the blood stream
Hope this helps have a nice day!
According to my experience, revising the chapters before 1 month would really be beneficial. If you have the habit of following time table then you can make one and set the target to finish the syllabus right 3 or 4 days before examination which would make you feel confident. Find your distraction factor and try your best to avoid it. Practicing maths at night and reading the other subjects at morning will be more suitable. You can write the things on your rough copy which would really help you to memorize for language subject. And for maths you may start from the easy questions and you may go to difficult ones. That will help you somehow to develop interest. Dont choose a place like bed to study. Sit in such place where you won't feel sleepy. Dont feel pressurize while reading.
Each state's number of electors is equal to both the number of senators as well as representatives. The number of senators will always be two, but the number of representatives varies between each state.
I'm a pastor's kid and I ask myself that question all the time, and what helps me the best is to go to church and listen to the pastors, listen to praise and worship music, and what I would recomend the most is downloading the bible app on your phone, because most often we are on our phones than reading paper, and personally I've read more of the bible on my phone than the actual book.