Choosing the wrong friends can lead to a range of problems. To begin with, if your buddies insult others or you, you may become accustomed to being treated badly and direct this energy onto your family. Bad friends may put pressure on you to do things you don't want to do, which could result in negative results. Friends who do not care about your well-being are unlikely to assist you, so you may distance yourself from your family, fearing that they share your sentiments and are uninterested in your well-being. Friends can be disrespectful about your family at times, and this can make you feel obligated to agree with them, which can lead to them being rude to their own family members.
Slavery is a constitutional issue that caused partisan conflicts before the Civil War.
Given that constitutional issue contributed to sectional conflict before the civil war.
Because this constitutional issue contributed to the pre-civil war partial conflict. We are obligated to name constitutional issues. The Civil War was essentially a war within the United States, fought between the United States and the Confederacy. The issue that caused the partial conflict before the Civil War was slavery. Slavery is basically the state of being enslaved, held or possessed as property or property.
Hence the constitutional issue that caused the partial conflict before the Civil War is the issue of slavery.
Learn more about slavery at
It contains the VERB and tells what the subject DOES or IS
Tax revenue is the dollar amount of tax collected. For an excise (or, per unit) tax, this is quantity sold multiplied by the value of the per unit tax. Tax revenue is counted as part of total surplus. Because the tax alters the quantity that is sold in the market, it will result in a deadweight loss.The effect of the tax on the supply-demand equilibrium is to shift the quantity toward a point where the before-tax demand minus the before-tax supply is the amount of the tax. A tax increases the price a buyer pays by less than the tax. A tax causes consumer surplus and producer surplus (profit) to fall.