How did mines and wells give clues to the nature of Earth's interior? They showed that the deeper you dig, the hotter the temperature gets. This finding indicated that Earth's interior is hot. Explain the differences between continental crust and oceanic crust.
brainliest please and if I'm wrong don't mark me brainliest :)
Mr/Mrs.logger, in this letter I would like to persuade you to stop cutting down trees. It will help the economy, you can find a new job, and you will understand that being greedy is not okay. Keep reading on to understand why. Thank you!
Cutting down trees in this state is illegal. I understand you are trying to help your family by making money. But, there are many other ways to do so like, helping people build fences, go to a store and be a cashier, help people move things, etc. Finding another job could help you put food on your family's table and not send you to jail.
If that didn't persuade you to look at the Amazon Rainforest for refrence, people took down those trees to help support their family but it only ended up destroying another family's home. All of these creatures lost their homes that they had to keep their family safe, warm, alive. But, all those loggers did was put these animals on the brink of extinction just to help their own families. And, the Amazon Rainforest is very important and needed in this world. It is one of the many reasons that earth is habitable, it's water cycle's, the many tree's giving off Co2, it is also home to 30 million people! and over 10% of the world's biodiversity! That's a lot. And, the tree's that you are cutting down could someday be a rainforest that will contain millions of people. So really think about it, think about what you are doing to the world, think about how you can fix it.
So I hope that I was able to persuade you to learn to do something else that won't ruin or economy, I mean we all mess up with something that will make our Co2 footprint bigger but there are many ways to try and fix that like tyring to make a compost garden, plant a garden, do anything that will help your family and the animals/plants surrounding you.
Tilting - Processes such as tilting, folding, faulting, and intrusions of igneousrocks can distort the original strata. Tilted geologic layers were originally horizontal. Sediments will fill in uneven geologic layers. Geologists observe the tilted layer and try to visually reposition it horizontally.
Tribalism developed in the early 1900s and encouraged the nationalist spirit of Africans throughout the world.(B.)