In John Milton's Paradise Lost, both the fall of Adam and Eve and the fall of Satan and his cohorts are caused by disobedience to God.
D) That family-owned restaurant is one of my favorite places to eat.
Answer: Dante uses <u>allusion</u> to associate himself with classical writers and thinkers.
- Terza rima is a rhyming scheme that Dante often used, but not as a means to associate himself with other people.
- Contrapasso is a term that refers to the punishment of souls.
- Anaphora is replacement of a particular word in a sentence to avoid repetition.
- Finally, allusion happens when we refer to other people/objects, without directly mentioning them. This is what Dante accomplishes in <em>Inferno</em>, the first part of his epic poem from the 14th century, Divine Comedy. For example, Dante refers to real people such as Brutus and Cassius, who ended up in Satan's mouth because of their betrayal.