Encomienda System: Historical Significance and Important Facts. The encomienda system played a major role in helping Spain expand its colonies in the New World. In spite of this, why was it a failure, and abolished in 1542? Historyplex tells you the significance of the encomienda system, along with its purpose, effects, and facts.
Because with out there flying machine we wouldn't have aviation
A federal court will be scrutinizing one of the Nsa (National Security Agency’s) worst spying programs on Monday. The case has the potential to restore crucial privacy protections for the millions of Americans who use the internet to communicate with family, friends, and others overseas.
This typically involved exporting raw resources, such as fish (especially salt cod), agricultural produce or lumber, from British North American colonies to slaves and planters in the West Indies; sugar and molasses from the Caribbean; and various manufactured commodities from Great Britain.