The most likely correct answer to me would be D
Fear of punishment
It is witnessed by Douglas on two occasions how badly Colonel Lloyd treats his slaves. In the first incident, the Colonel hit two of his slaves for minute faults that occur in his stable, even for faults outside the control of the slaves. the second incident was when the Colonel hid his identity and asked one of his slaves about how the Colonel was treating him, when the slave responded that he was ill treated, he was sold.
i would say plot could also be a theme in the verb tense though
You would need to check how to write the comnparative analysis. In the "lens" (or "keyhole") comparison, in which you weight A less heavily than B, you use A as a lens through which to view B. Just as looking through a pair of glasses changes the way you see an object, using A as a framework for understanding B changes the way you see B. Lens comparisons are useful for illuminating, critiquing, or challenging the stability of a thing that, before the analysis, seemed perfectly understood. Often, lens comparisons take time into account: earlier texts, events, or historical figures may illuminate later ones, and vice versa. Faced with a daunting list of seemingly unrelated similarities and differences, you may feel confused about how to construct a paper that isn't just a mechanical exercise in which you first state all the features that A and B have in common, and then state all the ways in which A and B are different. Predictably, the thesis of such a paper is usually an assertion that A and B are very similar yet not so similar after all. To write a good compare-and-contrast paper, you must take your raw data—the similarities and differences you've observed—and make them cohere into a meaningful argument. You may also contact the professionals from Prime Writings and let them do it for you. I am sure you will like the overall experience.