Lana and Jessie need to get Martin before they are caught, and Lana doesn't want her mother to know where she is going so as not to worry her.
I think the 1st one has a problem as the word land doesn't end with lands..
That means that every letter with a line of symmetry like M wouldn't work: A, T, U, V, W, and Y. But you can use the letters B, C, D, E, H, I, K, O, and X. It doesn't sound like a name but it could be Obeidh, Ikechi, Hideki, Dockie, Bohdie, Bodhie, Bobbie (unless you can't use the same letter twice), Debbie ("), Becki, Bodhe, Chiko, Cobie, Dixie ("), Echoe ("), Eddie ("), Kobe, Khoi, Echo, Bobo, Hido, Hebe, Kebe, Cobi, Debb, Kiki, Beck, Ike, Koe, Ed,