Interruption attack are also referred to as Denial Of Service(DOS) attack.
Interruption attack are also called denial of service.The main aim of interruption attack or Denial Of Srvice attack is to make resources unavailable.
For example:- had an DOS attack that took down their servers hence the service was unavailable for it's users.
Hence we conclude that the answer to this question is Denail of Service (DOS).
replace text as you type is an option in the AutoCorrect tool that enables the
user to add or delete words that do not follow abbreviation rules. Moreover, this
is a convenient way to use especially if you are dealing with long string of
words that only needs abbreviation.
To avoid privacy these copyright is been implemented. If copyright is not implemented software company such as Microsoft, Google cannot run the organization so that software has copyright and licenses and they protect from software privacy.
Since the world is digital world all software are available in internet for download and end user will not pay for software and use the software without purchasing from software development industries.
Even software are protected with key, hacker write the tool to brakes the key, so end user easily use these tools and generate the key and user it.
So that software company use Digital millennium copyright act, so that end user can arrested for missing the software’s.
Formatting can maybe be applied to software works