Eddie went to a movie theater with his friends to see the new fantasy flick (The Gremlins Attack the Mouse People) and they sat through the movie twice.
that's one way you could do it. when using parenthetical elements, you want to be aware of what exactly parentheses do--they offer further information, almost like an aside of sorts. it isn't necessarily vital information and most people use parentheses instead of commas to show an exception or give extra information. the best way, i would say, to add parentheses to these sentences is by inserting the "extra" info that follows "flick." the name of the movie isn't necessarily important, but you include it anyways.
are myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves. These words can be either intensive pronouns or reflexive pronouns.
D: Appropriate examples to use
Identifying your audience will help you determine what will be the best examples for the audience to relate too. As you would not want to use sesame street as an example for a group of CEO's and you would not want to use a spreadsheet of the past 5 days in the stock market for a group of kindergartners.
It is the only one that outlines the qualifications stated in the question. It is implied because the statement doesn't directly state that she has integrity and experience but implies it as a question