Environmental philosophy examines our relation, as human beings, to nature or our natural environment: it reviews our philosophical understandings of nature and our conception of nature's value and entitlements; it explores how we are to live with and in nature and to what degree nature is or is not implicated in our own human identity.
The sum of neutrons would be 55. (: I hope this helps. because if you minus the mass number by the atomic number which is always equivalent to the number of protons, you get the amount of neutrons. The amount of protons and neutrons always add up to the mass number.
I would say that equality in hunter-gatherer societies has a huge implication for the modern world.
The hunter-gatherer societies were the "original" societies, to which the humans evolved and the finding that the societies were much more egalitarian (both in terms of gender equality and social class equality) means that people cannot claim that inequality is somehow "natural" - it supports the need for equality in the modern world.
For slow breathing a place and time you could use it would be when you are meditating and trying to calm yourself when you are overwhelmed, when you wake up in the morning and look at yourself in the mirror you can point out all of the positive things about yourself that you love.