The process by which eggs are made is called Fertilization, when the egg cell meets the sperm cell and form a zygote.
No it is false. Because any substance is base what include OH. If it releases H ion, it should be acid.
Las teorías extraterrestres o de panspermia sugieren que la vida existió en el espacio exterior y fue transportada por meteoritos, asteroides o cometas a una Tierra receptiva. En este caso, el origen de la vida no está relacionado con los posibles entornos de la Tierra primitiva.
Denitrification process occurs when the soil bacteria use nitrate for the respiration of oxygen in the air. These nitrates are converted to nitrogen gases.
<em>The denitrification process mostly occurs in warm nature rapidly, wet soils with sufficient of nitrate. Denitrification process only occurs when the nitrate is present.</em> <em>The denitrification is in sewage treatment and it is beneficial process, the problem considered in agriculture farmers to increase their crop yields because they are applying nitrogen fertilizers to the land. </em>
<em>Denitrification process increases from cropland and it is responsible for increases the amount of nitrous oxide in the atmosphere. The denitrification process plays an important to recycling of nitrogen for healthy soil, microbial and for plant growth, and animal’s health.</em> The impacts of global warming are due to the process of denitrification through loss of nitrous oxide.