Hi Daralava,
How does the troposphere differ from the stratosphere?
There are 2 major difference between the troposphere and the stratosphere, which is that the stratosphere is higher located than the troposphere, also the stratosphere is also warmer becase it receives more solar radiation the the troposphere.
Health experts cautioned yesterday that some endurance athletes drink too much water during exercise and are at risk of deadly "water intoxication." Marathon runners, triathletes and cyclists are familiar with dehydration, caused by not drinking enough.
Volcanos and Mountains are 2 different things;
A Volcano forms around a vent which allows magma to reach the surface of Earth
A Mountain can be formed by other geological occurrences
If it is high enough maybe you could call it a mountain but if it is right at the surface of the water i would say no
Conflict avoidance is where you take steps to remain clear of disputes!
Conflict confrontation is when you want to stop any disagreements and get them out in the open and shut it down before anything bad happens.
Conflict resolution is when and where a conflict is settled. It is no longer any form of conflict.