It is a FACT because it is a true statement.
Shortly before President Roosevelt’s State of the Union address was delivered on January 6, 1941, Eleanor published her first My Day column of the year. The essay anticipated many of the themes the president would address in his speech. Though hope was hard to entertain, she believed that many Americans would nevertheless find a ray of hope by working together toward the attainment of “peace with honor and justice for all.”She then mentioned the goals (or “freedoms,” in Franklin’s speech) for which she thought people would be inspired to fight: “Justice for all, security in certain living standards, a recognition of the dignity and the right of the individual human being, without regard to his race, creed, or color.”
Pro-choice believes that women are in control of their own bodies and have the choice to get an abortion.
Pro-life believes that no one has the right to end a life and that the baby within the stomach has a right to life.
25. 29
26. with $1 million USD
27. Recognize
28. 20,000
29. use English in daily conversations
30. professional development of colleagues
31. Equip local schools
32. Fund student travel