Bat:A nocturnal mammal capable of making flights; an implement with handle and solid surface used to it balls
an allegory is a story, poem, or picture, it’s used to reveal a hidden meaning or message, like the moral. Allegories are exciting because they use characters and events to convey a meaning. They don’t just come right out and say it.
Follow these steps to spot allegory in literature. Look for a didactic theme or moral tone in the work. Allegory is often used as an embodiment for moral qualities and messages as in Aesop's Fables. The story itself is constructed in such a way as to convey a central theme or lesson.
If you need any further assistance please let me know.
because it's awful for students health and teeth as the passage states. teachers could hand there students other things like, pencil erasers or things that benefit your school experience rather than something that rotts the bones in your mouth
if youre asking if it would accelerate speed, yes! The matter in hand needs that velocity for an object to change direction in the first place.