Moses was the one who introduces the 10 commandments. By then on, it was already established that the commandments will be the guiding rule of the followers
The new middle class had plenty of food, clothing and shelter to keep their basic needs satisfied. Not only that, they also obtain a lot of lands that left by people who are died during the black death plague, which improve their wealth significantly, making them could afford more luxurious things.Jan 8, 2018
Diseases that they were never exposed to, such as smallpox, killed close to 90% of the population. With most of the opposition to the domination gone, the Spanish could easily sweep in and conquer who was left.
Fifty years ago my friends and I had a party where we read and toasted each of the 95 theses so at one point I certainly read ’em all, though granted the effect of all those shots, I don’t recall the higher numbered ones very well. In any case, don’t think the theses, which are focused on indulgences, are a very clear statement of Luther’s theology. After all, in 1517, Luther didn’t realize he was instigating the Reformation; and the full statement of salvation by faith alone and the rest came later. What made the Theses matter wasn’t doctrinal. One of the major factors in the Reformation was resentment of the financial burden the Roman church put on the German people—the indulgences were sold to finance the building of Saint Peter’s cathedral. Whatever purely religious motives the German princes had in supporting Luther’s rebellion, they definitely liked the idea of not shipping money off to Rome. The prospect of secularizing the monasteries was mighty welcome as well. No princely support, no Reformation.
I’m definitely going for thesis 62 — “The true treasure of the church, is the most holy gospel of the glory and grace of God”
Rome and the Reformers both taught that a man is justified by God’s work of grace, but, it is all important to see the real contrast between the Roman and the Reformation faiths. ROME taught — justification by God’s work of grace in man emphasizing the work of God in us and our co-operation with that work.
The REFORMATION — taught that man is Justified by God’s work of grace in Christ, emphasizing what God does for us in Christ, without our co-operation.