That means it's offered for sale at a very very very very good price.
The price may be so good because the owner doesn't know what it's actually worth,
or because they're having a super-duper temporary sale, or because it's something
you personally need very badly so it's worth a lot more to you personally.
In any case, it's called a 'steal', because when something is stolen, the stealer
gets what he wants for a very very very low price, and this is just like that.
Sparkling in the sunlight: participial Phrase
spring: subject
seemed: verb
to beckon swimmers: infinitive phrase
to plunge: another infinitive
into its cool depths: adverb phrase modifying plunge.
If you want to survive homework, you need to destroy it
you just go get a bomb at bombs r us and explode it
The letter that she receives from her mother. Lyddie learns that her little sister, Agnes, has died and that her mom is in need of more money to help the family. Lyddie's reaction to the letter is that she works ever-harder to help her hurting family. <span><span>
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