The correct answer is A: The author assumes that readers have their own opinions about the keys to happiness.
The author wants you to have your own opinion. Although the other answers are ok, A is a better answer.
The main idea of each passage:
1. How much drgaons fascinate and interest the main character.
2. That many researches and scientist are against the idea of dragons exsisting
3. How the main character determinedly continued to pursue research with different cultures.
4. Explains how dragons could have been able to have the powers that are sterotypically described.
5. How we will never know which side of the argument is true.
Hope this helped! :)
Solitude Thoreau describes a “delicious evening” in which he feels at one with nature, “a part of herself.” It is cool and windy, but nevertheless the bullfrogs and night animals give it a special charm.Thoreau again praises the benefits of nature and of his deep communion with it.
Question 7:
The heroe in this poem is the narrator.This person has a duty to a nation he loves and belongs to.It is not any grass the narrator is describing, it is the grass merged with the land this person inhabits.The air he breathes is special, it is shared by men who were intrepid and settled in those lands so far away from what was known as the civilized world.He is ready to be the father to many generations who will , in the future, populate those lands.
Question 8:
Free verse was considered an innovation in those days.Whitman does not make use of the metrical tradition.He uses syntactic parallelism as in ..."These are really the thoughts..".."they are not original..."if they are not yours.."
Question 9
The second option summarizes his point of view of society.
In the poem there is a line that could explain this idea.."My tongue,every atom of my blood,
form´d from this soil,this air.."
Through these lines we could see that it is the land we inhabit that makes us no different from the others.Being a constituent of a nation, having the same tongue to speak is what in the end makes as much the same.We belong to a society with a history, the same history of our forebearers.