Louis xvi began to make plans to use force against the third estate.
It enabled Abraham Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, by giving the Union enough confidence (The battle had forced the Confederate troops to withdraw, making it technically a Union victory) to change the focus of the war from bringing the wayward states of the South back into the fold, into a war to destroy slavery in America. One major consequence of the Emancipation Proclamation was that the European powers that were interested in helping the CSA were discouraged from interfering, given that their populations had a severe distaste of slavery, and a war to support slavery would not be taken well by their people.
El Greco slipped his own portait into one of his paintings.
President Johnson was shocked by the police brutality and called it an American tragedy.
Final answer is C.
Loss of factory jobs led to less in the middle class or you needed to work a white collar job to be middle class. Industrial jobs moved overseas leaving those working in factories without jobs. Middle class jobs no longer included factory work but rather service jobs many requiring college degrees.