This is true. The taller the vehicle the lower the stability would be, if at the same time its width stays the same. For example, a mini van that enters a curve at high speeds will most certainly roll over while a car that is wider and has the same height, or is smaller, won't roll over.
In sign language, facial expressions are used to express both linguistic information and emotions. For example an eyebrow raise is necessary to mark general questions in most sign languages. At the same time, signers use the face to express emotions either their own, or when quoting someone else.
4.gratus puellae sentit et gratias ago, magister
5.memores sumus magister verba fere officium
6.patriaeque reduces socios vestros non
7.videri ab urbe et agris erant wide
Id assume racism could be one? Or the language barrier?
Bulimia Nervosa/ Binge-purging syndrome is usually characterized by binge eating followed by guilt people with this disorder typically consume about 1000-10,000 calories in one sitting. Hope this helps =)