Beowulf is a German soldier, and in their times strength and honor was the goal of every Battle. A Modern Hero is someone that helps when they hear someone in need, Officers, Fire Fighters, and Nurses are First Responder and our modern day heroes. Modern day heroes show integrity, grit, and above all a willing-ship to help. Our heroes today are able to rescue locals in danger, defend their country, and help our planet. To me being a Hero means to care for everyone, just like Beowulf, he too feels a sense of pride when fighting for people he cares about.
technology means all techniques, skills, methods or procedures related to the production of products and services. or to be used to achieve one of the objectives and home economics is a subject concerning human development, personal and family finance, housing and interior design, food science and preparation, nutrition and wellness, textiles and apparel, and consumer issues.
could you add the answer choices and also whats the theme of the story
People choose to escape because they think that if you escape you would feel refreshed, and start a new page.