The most controversial provision of the patient protection and Affordable Care Act which is sometimes referred to by its detractors as Obamacare is mandatory health insurance coverage. This is controversial because it would mean that those people who do not wish to buy insurance may be subject to a fine.
The policy is known as the "Open Door Policy."
John Hay created this idea in hopes that America and countries all over Europe could trade peacefully with China. This concept was developed in order to protect America's trade interests while also ensuring that no other country would establish a monopoly on trade with China. Within this policy, all countries would agree not to interfere with another country's trade with China.
judge, being neutral is required
Paid a salary that can not be reduced.
They must be given a set pay that can not be reduced no matter the circumstances and it can not be raised either.
Which it wouldn't bother me cause they get paid 277,000 a year.