7 percent of men between 60 n 65 years old
He ordered the attorney general to file a lawsuit against Northern Securities because its creation violated anti-trust law.
Alot of slaves met friends or Sang alot about their homeland and how they will be reunited with their family through death or release
1 14 19
This is the first amendment and likely the most important. It grants citizens to peacefully disagree with their neighbors. It gives citizens the right to their own religion and the own right to print what they like as long as it is not libelous. Freedom is the cornerstone of the bill of rights (Amendments 1 to 10)
14 After the civil war and after Lincoln's assassination, the colored were granted citizenship.
19 This is actually my favorite one. It granted women political rights after WWI. Can you imagine that the constitution was hammered out in the late 1700 and it was not until 1920 that women got the rights they deserved. I'm a male by the way.
Adams supported efforts to promote the growth of business, while Jackson supported efforts to help the ordinary man and supported the idea of high tariffs to increase revenue, but Adams wanted to end high tariffs