Well that would likely hinder the trade for such nation, like China. China has a TON of industry, and what would happen of it couldn't reach outside its borders? The economy would plummet! It would weaken every aspect of the nation.
Tradición es cada una de aquellas pautas de convivencia que una comunidad considera dignas de constituirse (en este caso indígenas). Después de esto sigue como una parte integral de sus usos y costumbres y se mantiene para que sean aprendidas por las nuevas generaciones, como parte indispensable del legado cultural.
Soon after the death of Oliver Cromwell, Parliament made his son, Richard, the "Lord Protector," although he was unable to continue the policies of his father and failed as a leader.
No, Olympes de Gouges did not just add the word 'women' to the original declaration. She substantially changed the meaning of female citizenship in her declaration such that she moved for all women to recognize and claim their 'lost' rights in the current misogynistic era and that women have equal and natural rights as enjoyed by men. Although the Enlightenment speak of inalienable rights, the gender inequality of that time made Olympes question how ironic it was that the assumption of these natural rights aren't exercised by everybody - regardless of sexual roles and differences.
Yes they can If the government has a compelling interest it is seeking to protect, and the fundamental right the government seeks to restrict is fairly and narrowly regulated by the law in question, the restrictive law may be upheld by the courts.