Geerte Hofstede's theory of national cultural established 5 dimensions:
- Power distance (PDI)
- Individualism versus collectivism (IDV)
- Masculinity versus femininity (MAS)
: masculinity emphasizes ambition and wealth accumulation, while femininity emphasizes caring and nurturing behaviors, environmental awareness and gender equality.
- Uncertainty avoidance (UAI)
- Long-term orientation (LTO)
My best estimate is 23% or lower.
A small office is usually found in a small organisation because the volume of clerical activities is small. An example of a large office is a bank. A factory could also be an example of a large office if it has more than ten people working in it. In a large office, work is divided among the many clerical workers.
Go in for a traditional shirt-jeans outfit and pair it with black formal shoes. A plaid shirt, pair of blue jeans and black dress shoes is how you'll want to rock it! Get that macho look right by wearing a leather jacket over a formal shirt and jeans. Your shoes will complement the jacket perfectly.
The correct answer is True.
Non-systematic risk, also known as "diversifiable risk", encompasses the set of factors of a company or industry, and that affect only the profitability of its stock or bond. For this reason they cannot be diversified.
In other words, the non-systematic risk arises from the uncertainty surrounding a company due to the development of its business, either due to the company's own circumstances or those of the sector to which it belongs. Examples of these events can be bad business results, the signing of a large contract, worse than expected sales data, a new product of the competition, discovery of fraud within the company, a bad management of its managers, etc.