1. There are no circumstances where smoking should be allowed. There are no positive aspects to smoking. It pollutes the air, smells awful, stains walls/ceilings/ other things, and causes life threatening health issues to every living organism it comes in contact with. Smoking should not be allowed in any public place because it is endangering the health of others.
2. Non-smokers should not have to suffer at home while living with a smoker. The cigarette smoke of family members is not only detrimental to their own health, but the health of the family member as well. Second hand smoke can cause meant health issues from asthma to lung cancer. There is no reason a non smoker should have their health compromised for the addiction of another.
Odysseus' wife was constantly being asked by men in her home to marry her. Their house was full of them and they disrespected everything. They ate food that wasn't for them.
Odysseus has to battle Poseidon's can so as to urge home. Man vs. god/nature. Odysseus is troubled against forces that are out of his management. Telemachos desires his birthright (meaning the lands and valuables that his father would go away to him) before the conflict between the suitors and Penelope destroys it all.
My mother types well. The verb there is intransitive because there is no object receiving the action.
You did not provide the excerpt but in the end Jekyll was not able to permanently resist. It was implied that he was actually Hyde deep inside and that Hyde is the one who will overtake and he won't be able to come out again. In the end he dies as Hyde and people find out what happened out of letters that he sent while he was sane.
I think it is D. Too much credit use I might be wrong but im pretty sure its D.