It's because all living things need energy to do a specific thing for a much longer period of time. If chemical reactions undergo releasing energy, you wouldn't be able to function on something, and it would be for a much shorter period of time.
Xylem,phloem and tissues from vascular systems produce stem
Xylem + phloem+ tissues from vascular systems = stem ( transport systems)
roots spread out underground like the branches of a tree as to get sufficient water and nutrients form the soil to transport to the other parts of the tree for its own growth , by spreading out roots tend to collect or suck the maximum nutrients
The living things SPONCH stands for is <span>sulfur, phosphorus, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, and hydrogen.</span>
In the image 1 the cell is having sufficient quantity of water leading to a turgid cell.
The image 1 plant cell is in a dilute solution in which water enters into cell from external medium.
The image 2 plant cell is exposed to a solution which is high concentrated solution.
Due to this high concentrated solution the water present in the cell is send out by exosmosis.
Due to loss of water from plant cells the protoplasm in plant cell shrinks in which cell membrane gets separated from cell wall.
This shrinkage of protoplasm by loss of water is called plasmolysis.