the action of supporting or opposing a particular person or thing in an unfair way, because of allowing personal opinions to influence your judgment
to evaluate and analyze the effect war has on soldiers
The title of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream has both literary and social significance. The title tells the audience right away that the play is going to deal in some way with a sort of dream on a summer night.
The part of the dictionary entry that provides information about the origin of the word extravagant is, 'Middle English < Medieval Latin extrāvagant- (stem of extrāvagāns), present participle of extrāvagārī, equivalent to extrā- extra- + vagārī to wander.'
It was during the 1350-1400 that the word extravagant was derived from the Latin word 'extrāvagant' which is a stem of extrāvagāns. The present participle of this word is extrāvagārī, if we find out the meaning of this word it is extra+vagari which means to wander. So extravagant basically means spending much more than what is necessary, spending an extra amount towards something. It also means going beyond what is actually required.
whats the giver. more explanation needed