Waiting is something you do until something else happens.
All depends on Troy's attitude if he deserves respect or not.
If he is not giving respect he doesn't deserve to get it.
Give respect to get it.
because it's a book title you capitalise it
when Helen realized she was locked alone in the dinning room with Annie then first she was afraid. then she lost her temper. Helen threw foods, screamed and broke plates as Annie again and again forced her to sit in a chair and eat with a spoon from her own plate. Every time Helen tossed her spoon across the room. Annie dragged Helen over to the spoon forced it into her hand and dragged her back to her chair. Helen pinched and slapped Annie right back. Helen Threw gravy at Annie and Annie grabbed a handful of eggs and dumped them on Helen. Eventually worn out and hungry. Helen sit quietly and finished her breakfast with a spoon then another battle over using a napkin took place and Helen finally learned to both use and fold her napkin. After two hours Annie emerged from the dining room with scrambled eggs and gravy in her hairs and scratches and bruises on both her arms. She nodded curtly at the astounded Kellers as Helen tore out of the dining room
In the picture anything could be happening but to me it would seem like she just asked the public for an opinion about something