"O, never/Shall sun that morrow see!" means "The morning when Duncan leaves here will never come, because we're going to kill him tonight." "Your face, my thane, is as a book where men/May read strange matters" means "By looking at your face, everybody can see what you're thinking." The rest of the speech means "To fool everybody, you have to behave the way everybody expects you to behave. You have to make sure that the way you look, the way you act, and the way you talk all seem to be giving Duncan a friendly welcome. You have to seem harmless even though you are secretly deadly."
"We need the medalllion!" Luis exclaimed.
"Okay, let's go" I agreed.
Now, we were on our way to look for the medallion It was pitch dark outside, I could barely see anything, but we needed to find that medallion. If it ended up in the wrong hands, everything could be over. It's powers Grant many amazing things, however, if the enemy obtains it, its game over for all of us; and I had no idea where to find it
"Hurry" I told Luis who stood behind me not moving one muscle.
"Oh you poor thing. Never trust anyone" he said as I turned to look at him.
"WHAT THE??" I practically yelled.
"YOU TRADOR! I THOGUHT we were in this together"
"Wait where are you going" I finsihed saying.
" See you never dumbo" Luis yelled as he started running.
Now it was up to me to find Luis, my best friend who turned out to be a tardor!
Hope the made up story helps!
D. values and beliefs of the characters
someone's culture includes their religion, language, beliefs, etc.
Temporary and con and that will give you the meaning