One main reason would be the distance between the two country's, this could be very expensive depending on how far apart the countries are apart. Another conflict is the country currency, for instance 1 dollar in america could only equal 50 cent in japan. in order to purchase things in another country america would have to convert their money into the country they are try to buy money. One exchange rate is known as the flexible exchanged rate, in this system the exchange rate is calculated by supply and demand, the exchange rate in this system reflect the market. The fluctuations in currency values are only based day to day and they can change the amount of imports and exports. The other exchange rate is fixed exchange rates, in this system the governments are consistent with keeping the currency values similar to other governments. This particular system make trading easier. The only problem found in this system is that it keeps a lot of pressure n the supply and demand which is the reason why currency why values change.
Year, 1960 is when Congo gained its independence.
France's primary interest in the New-World was fish of the coast of Nova-Scotia
so its fishing
When did rajendra laxmi pass away ?
A.access to scholarly articles in the online library.
B.Jasmine calling her friend to discuss recent troubles at work. an example of operant conditioning. the third rule of social networking.
E.friends helping Liza to pack as she moves across the country.
F.both physical and mental health.
G.Phil taking refuge in his family after a personal loss.
H.pairing an unconditioned response with a neutral stimulus which then becomes a controlled stimulus. the second rule of social networking. the first rule of social networking.
K.both the person and the environment impact external behavior.