Use of Hyphen(-)
Hyphens are used divide words at the end of line when the word cannot fit on the remainder of the line. There are six rules to follow.
1. Divide the word between syllables. It means, that one-syllable words are NEVER divided.
Incorrect Incorrect Correct
sp- su- sup-
orts pport port
2. The hyphen goes at the end of the firts line.
Incorrect Correct
sup- sup-
-port port
3. Prefixes and suffixes make natural divisions.
Incorrect Correct
in- inter-
ternational national
4. Do not divide proper nouns or adjectives.
Incorrect Correct
Pakis- Pakistan
5. There should be at least two letters plus the hyphen on the first line and three letters on the second line.
Incorrect Incorrect Correct
s- supposed- sup-
upposedly ly posedly
6. Divide hyphenated word using the hyphen already in the word.
Incorrect Correct
moth- mother-
er-in-law in-law
winter is cold and poetry ishardtodosogoodluck
Schwarz, an expensive toy store in wealthy Manhattan. Similarly, what lesson does Miss Moore seem to want the children to learn what lesson does Sylvia seem to learn? The lesson Miss Moore wants the narrator and the other children to learn is about wealth and poverty and the massive inequalities that exist in society.
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