<h3>The primary aim of the prohibition of the sale of cigarettes and alcohol during the lockdown is to reduce the number of C ovid19 cases.</h3>
The prohibition of the sale of cigarettes and alcohol during the lockdown can be understood in two following reasons.
- Sale of cigarettes are prohibited during lockdown because smoking have been known to cause lungs and respiratory problems. As C ovid19 is also known to attack the lungs, it poses a greater threat for smokers.
- Sale of alcohol is prohibited because bars and liquor shops attract a lot of customers. The chances of contracting C ovid19 at these places are very high.
The primary aim of the prohibition of the sale of cigarettes and alcohol during the lockdown is to reduce the number of C ovid19 cases so that hospitals and clinics can treat the patients successfully and efficiently.
The prohibition of the sale cigarettes and alcohol has truly reduced the chances of C ovid19 cases although no exact statistic can be determined. It is a precautionary measure that governments have undertaken as they pose higher risk than any other activities.
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Critics say Microsoft's incredible two-decade run at the top of the computer industry has less to do with innovation than it does with bully tactics. But new research from Harvard Business School professors Marco Iansiti and Alan MacCormack suggests a different reason: the company's ability to spot technological trends and exploit key software technologies.
Perhaps no technology company outside of IBM has been able to keep on top of the industry as much as Microsoft. What's more, Bill Gates & Co. have achieved this success during times of incredible technological transformation, usually just the period when titans are vulnerable to being knocked off by disruptive technologies.
Answer: Vocational Colleges
Getting clean air to breathe and clean water is a necessity to human beings, whereas having personal freedom is not.