The unscrambled word is newscast.
The contrast created between East Egg and West Egg suggest that the story's conflict will be based on wealth and appearances. The East Egg is the area of "old money," people who has inherited all of their money and are accustomed to a certain standard of living.
A huge tree blocked the trail,
1. Your backyard is a Garden of Eden. (Biblical allusion)
2. I guess I should see this message about a new job as my burning bush. (Biblical Allusion)
3. When you feel betrayed by a friend, you can say, "You too, Brutus?" (allusion to Julius Caesar-Brutus betrayed Caesar)
4. You're a regular Einstein. (allusion to a historical figure)
5. When your parents learn about your new plan to raise money, it's going to sink like the Titanic. (allusion to a historical event)
Here the correct answer would be D.
Hope this helps!