One amino acid
This question is describing the occurrence of the process of mutation, which is the alteration in the genetic sequence of a gene. In this question, a DNA sequence was given as follows: TAC-ATC-CAT-CAG-TTA-CGC. However, a SUBSTITUTION MUTATION took place in such a way that the thymine base was replaced by a guanine base to have mutated sequence: GAC-ATC-CAT-CAG-TTA-CGC.
Since the mutation is a kind of substitution mutation, only the codon affected by that mutation will change. This DNA sequence will be transcribed into a mRNA sequence. The mRNA will be read codon by codon (a group of hree nucleotides) to produce amino acid. Since one codon will be involved, one amino acid will be affected.
Functions of cell surface Receptors .
most ligands responsible for cell-cell signaling ( including neurotransmitters, peptide, hormones, and growth factors) bind to receptors on the surface of their target cells.
Mafic -- the formation of the minerals begins anew upon melting.
Mafic minerals set at increased temperatures, which is there in Bowen's Reaction Series. Therefore, rocks collected of mafic minerals are designed at increased temperatures. They are originated in sites deep within the earth and also in tectonic dispersal environments, like the seafloor. Mafic magmas are generally formed at dispersal centers, and signify material which is recently distinguished from the greater mantle. Mutual mafic rocks comprise basalt and gabbro. Mafic rock, in geology, igneous rock that is subjugated by the silicates pyroxene, amphibole, olivine, and mica. These minerals are high in magnesium and ferric oxides, and their presence gives mafic rock its characteristic dark colour.
Hope this helps...
A user mentioned in the comments of one of the answers deleted: "its B" < The user (<span>lolbae0806) had mentioned this...</span>
So I believe the correct answer is:
B.) More oxygen gas became present in the atmosphere.
Hello. You forgot the results of Courtney's observations. The observations are:
"Tendril # Week 1 Week 3 Week 6
1 1.2 cm 5.9 in 1.2 ft
2 2.0 cm 4.8 in 0.98 ft
3 0.8 cm 3.2 in 0.55 ft
4 0.2 cm 1.6 in 0.35 ft
5 1.5 cm 4.3 in 1.01 ft"
Curtney's data show inconsistent units of measure.
Measurement units are ways of representing great physics such as speed, size, time, quantity, weight, among others. These units serve to quantify the matter and allow observations to be made.
It is important to note that the same units of measurement must be evaluated in the same experiment. For example, if we want to evaluate how much a plant can grow in 3 weeks, we have to evaluate the same unit of measure each week. If in the first week we evaluate the growth in centimeters, we have to evaluate the growth in the next weeks also in centimeters.
Courtney did not do this, and assessed the growth of the plants each week with different units of measure, which left her data inconsistent.