<span>Lincoln was relatively unknown throughout the country before the
-</span>b. congressional election of 1858.
Brief explanation of Declaration of Independence of the principles of a) popular sovereignty, the people are the ultimate source of the authority of their government b) social contract it is the legitimacy of the state over the individual c) natural rights, not dependent on the laws, customs, or beliefs of any particular culture or government and therefore universal or inalienable (rights that cannot be repeated or restrained by human laws) d) individual rights, the equality and this is the rule of equality that tied up to the creation of mankind to God.
How did Islam spread throughout the various regions of Africa?
Islam gained momentum during the 10th century in West Africa with the start of the Almoravid dynasty movement on the Senegal River and as rulers and kings embraced Islam. Islam then spread slowly in much of the continent through trade and preaching.
How were African religious beliefs affected by Islam?
Traditional African religions generally believe in an afterlife, one or more Spirit worlds, and Ancestor worship is an important basic concept in mostly all African religions. Some African religions adopted different views through the influence of Islam or even Hinduism.
Supply and Demand is directly linked to Price x Demand.
In Economics, the connection between goods (or services) that are being offered for a certain price and their demand is called Supply Relationship.<u> The Law of Supply states that there is a direct relationship between the prices of products and services and the supply. So, if there is an increase in the price of these goods and services, the supply for those will increase, as well.</u>