In a series connection, the current is the same through each component regardless of any kind of components are used or their values. The voltage drops across each component in the circuit are dependent upon the values of the components used in the circuit. Another way to view a series connection is that the positive end of each component is connected to the negative end of the previous component in a 'one after the other' arrangement. The negative end of each component is also connected to the positive end of the next component.
It is one of which every component is arranged in a series connection. Hence series circuit will have same current at all points of the circuit. The voltage drop across each component in the circuit adds up to sum of voltage source across each component and of an equivalent component value. Breaking of the series circuit will make entire circuit to stop working. Suppose consider the three bulbs are connected in series connection and if even one bulb burns out or broken then all the three bulbs will stop working as well. In series circuit components like current (I) is sum of all the element and Voltage is sum of all the voltage drops and resistance is the sum of individual resistances.
The symbols may or may not have meaning, but the machine does not need to know how the symbols are interpreted in order to manipulate the symbols in the right way.
The computer can change the symbols in the case when the computer understand but in actual following the cut-paste rules without having any understanding this is because the symbols might be have meaning or not but if we talk about the machine so actually they dont know how the symbols are interpreted and how it can be used so that it can be change in the accurate way