(Cystoplasm) and (Ribosomes) are common in most living cells
All four planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are inner planets or also referred as terrestrial planets. Those are the planets orbiting closest to the Sun.
Earth is the largest of the Inner Planets, with a diameter of 12,756 km and Mercury is the smallest with a diameter of 4,878 km (3,031 miles). They have solid surfaces and thin/no atmospheres. Mercury is one of the densest planets in the Solar System. Venus is the brightest object we see in the sky, has a thick toxic atmosphere and is the hottest planet. Earth is the only planet that has liquid water.Mars surface contains iron-rich materials and has the most interesting terrain: the surface is very old and filled with craters.
The correct answer is C- I will need an infusion of this medication once weekly.
Mitoxantrone is a anti cancer drug which is given to stop the growth and spread of cancer. It is infused in patients very slowly taking up to three to five minutes and administered once in every three months for 2 to 3 three years.
Liver functioning Tests and a pregnancy test should be done before each infusion.