Comment if you're looking for greater detail.
Sometimes, For example many cardiac disorders can be inherited, including arrhythmias, congenital heart disease, cardiomyopathy, and high blood cholesterol.
Hope that helps!
1. Adaptive radiation: A pattern of evolution in which slightly different species evolve from one common ancestor.
2. Coevolution: A pattern of evolution in which two species evolve in relation to each other.
3. Convergent evolution: A pattern of evolution in which similar characteristics evolve between two unrelated species.
4. Divergent evolution: A pattern of evolution in which very different species evolve from one common ancestor.
5. Gradualism: A theory of evolution that states that a species evolves by consistent, small, steps.
6. Punctuated equilibrium: A theory of evolution that states that a species evolves in spurts of rapid change and then no change.
Remain with the client and be silent
Bowel obstruction can be explained or described as a situation whereby the intestines, i.e, both small and large intestines are blocked, and thereby, preventing the normal movement of food, liquid or stool in the intestines.
The blockage could result or occur due to tumor, foreign substance or digestive problem.
The Miller-Abbott tube is the tube that was invented or developed to treat the obstruction that is present in both the small and the large intestines. It is used by passing it through the stomach into the intestine.
In this case, the bowel obstruction is caused by recurrent malignancy, that is recurrent of formation of tumor.
The best thing the nurse should do, is to remain silent and with the client, until the client is ready for explanation on the process, and that he/she is in position and capable of inserting the tube.