The expression states that if you want to save someone you might as well save everyone in danger. Basically no one should be left behind and everyone should be treated equally with the same privileges.
I'm not sure if any of your answers are correct answers to the question asked.
Cities were mostly developed on the Atlantic coast as 1. that is where they landed and 2. they would have port access to Europe still.
As time went on, the British government did limit the growth westward.
The answer is D. Anne Hutchinson was trialed in 1637, and then she was forced to leave from the Massachusetts Bay in 1638 for preaching in her home, which was considered heresy. She began preaching for a group of women, and eventually, men and other ministers were attending her preaching’s.
The growing crowd attending her preaching´s attracted the attention of other orthodox ministers. Her ideas were different from the local puritans in that she considered to be more important a personal faith with God rather than to be present at church and doing good deeds to others. This personal faith was called Calvinism.
Which war? World war 2? If world war 2, it was due to the fact that their home towns were in rubble, and were looking for a new home for them, and their family.
Yes, Wu Hou married a tang emperor. A few years later she changed the dynasty to Chou, and named herself the "Sacred and Divine Empress Regnant" of the Chou Dynasty. In effect, she usurped the Tang Dynasty without major bloodshed.
Empress Wu Zetian Tang Dynasty China (625-705 AD)