The correct answer is increase tariffs
Explanation: In this case the tariffs will increase to receive a structural adjustment loan.
Answer: The woman took care of the family and the house.
When we talk about women's position in Athenian society, that position was not of significant historical importance. The community in Athens was patriarchal organized. The woman mostly spent time in the house, taking care of the children, and doing housework. That a woman did not have a significant influence in society is also shown by the fact that a woman, even if she was born an Athenian, did not have the right to make political decisions. Even at the time of the birth of Athenian democracy, women did not influence any decision-making, nor did they have the right to vote.
Four forms of nationalism:
Geography and language (geographic and linguistic factors) can play a role in the formation of nations. But when we speak of types of nationalism, we generally refer to ideas around which a nationalist feeling is based.
Ethnic nationalism focuses on shared ethnic identity, seen in common language, racial group, etc.
Political nationalism focuses on loyalty to the political state in which one resides--to its ideology and political system. In its formation, the United States served as an example of this form of nationalism, uniting around a shared idea.
Cultural nationalism sits between ethnic and political nationalism, incorporating features of both. It focuses on shared traditions within a country. Though it may have some connection to ethnic commonality, the greater emphasis is on shared experience and national traditions.
Religious nationalism sees a connection between a particular religious identity and national identity. A Muslim nation that operates under Sharia law would be an example. The United States can also be an example if/when people describe the US as "a Christian nation" and see patriotism aligning with principles of the Christian religion.
The correct option is D
In 1931, Japan suffered the decline of exports due to the decline of trade in the Great Depression and the protectionist measures that the powers put in place to try to alleviate it. The commanders of the Kwantung Army, which protected the South Manchurian Railway, decided to occupy it, in the hope that the region would serve as a source of food and raw materials and as a market for Japanese products. The military command believed that the invasion would allow to reach the autarky that he considered necessary for the future war with the Western powers that he was convinced would explode.