B. life long love...........: )
Look the leaders whom shaped the laws did it in their way and made it bad for the others and on top of that they sometimes do create their own government system to fit their liking
Dear Scout Finch,
I saw how you have been taking the items that I have left in the tree. I also saw how the tree was filled in. I wanted to apologize for that. Assuming you don't know who I am yet, my name is "Boo" Radley. I know that everyone is afraid of me, but I assure you, there is no reason why they should be. I may not be the smartest man in town, but I'm not mean. Let me tell you about myself. My real name is Arthur Radley. I am very nice, at least I try to be anyway. An incident happened when I was younger, and ever since then, I have been in my house. I know that children play games about me. Adults make up rumors about me, and everyone believes those rumors. Everyone is scared of me, and you all call me "Boo." I am honestly upset about this because I am all alone. I don't even get how anyone could think so low of a man. So that's it about me I guess. I wish I could go outside. But anyway, I have a request. Please tell the town about me. Let them know im not a monster. I want to enjoy the rest of my life. I want to go outside, feel the sunshine, make friends, laugh. If I tried to go and do all of those now, people would run away and hide from me. I fear I would be sent to jail or a nut house. I understand if you don't believe me, or fear to help me
I just hope that you do help me, because i want to be like everyone else.
from, Arthur "Boo" Radley
I read this book last year, and I had to do projects like this lol, hope this helps you :). Also im assuming that you only have to do one of these lol. I chose the letter to a character one. Wrote in the position of Boo Radley, and wrote to Scout Finch. It's approximately 304 words.
Information such as medical issues and home life. The home life explains how they are fed at home, if school is there only safe place to eat, it would be all they think of at school. Using the Medical issues to explain their hunger. I they have a medical issue where they losse energy quickly accommodations may need to be made for their school life.
The Speaker of " Thoughts on tlakers