Lend-Lease was beneficial
There was a difference between the Cash and Carry and Lend Lease policies. Both were introduced during Second World War. The Cash and Carry policy performed in 1939 to aid the Allies and preserve neutrality. It allows the sale of American military equipment to countries like Britain and France on a “cash-and-carry”. They had to pay cash for American supplies and transport it on their ships.
Lend-Lease policy also assisted allied nation with military supplies like tanks, ammunition, aeroplanes, and trucks. The policy meant for lend and lease not for sell. It benefited the Allied because they did not have to pay for these items.
<h2>1: by promising aid to help countries avoid communist takeover.</h2>
The Truman Doctrine was first stated by US President Harry Truman to Congress in 1947. Truman said, "It must be the policy of the United States to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures." Essentially, the Truman Doctrine pledged American effort elsewhere in the world to check the spread of communist and Soviet influence. The policy was first put into action in 1948 by providing economic support to Greece and Turkey to stave off communist movement in those countries.